Monday, February 27, 2006

Interesting Article on Blogging / Blawgging

This blog post mentions the Port Security, Maritime Security and Homeland Security Blog. For some reason, I the blog is no longer there, so I wanted to post it here to ensure that I still have access to the content. It was very well done. JBS

Posted:2006-02-09 17:39
If you are in the marine industry and are considering whether to set up a blog, you should check out an interesting article by Katherine Heires on blogging at the Harvard Business School Working Knowledge website, entitled "Does Your Company Belong in the Blogosphere,"(1), which addresses why executives at companies such as General Motors, Hewlett Packard and Sun Microsystems encourage blogging and why it is useful for other companies.

According to Ms. Heires' article, blogging allows a company and its executives to influence and shape public conversation about new products or ventures (or alternatively, shape the conversation surrounding a crisis); enhance brand visibility and credibility by increasing search engine rankings, establishing, exhibit industry and/or subject area expertise and personalizing a company; and achieve customer intimacy by speaking directly to consumers while also allowing them a quick method of responding with compliments, suggestions or complaints.

Her article recommends that for a company to maximize the use of blogs, it should have a distinct focus and goal, feature an "authentic" voice that doesn't smack of the PR department and allow viewers to comment.

One marine industry company that takes Ms. Heires' articles' lessons to heart is Wave Dispertion Technologies (WDT), who manufactures the WhisprWave floating articulated breakwater technology and maintains the Port Security, Maritime Security and Homeland Security Blog. This blog provides WDT a more personalized method of informing the public about its products, showcasing its expertise, and allowing viewer input, while also informing viewers about the topics of its namesake.

Both of these sites provide an example for those in the marine industry considering whether to enter the blogosphere / blawgosphere. Whether you are a law firm, transportation company, port authority, or other industry participant, you should read both the article and the blog to give you an idea of how blogging may help you.
(1) Ms. Heires' article was reprinted at Harvard Business School's Working Knowledge site with permission and orginiallly appeared in "The Blogosphere Beckons: Should Your Company Jump In?" Harvard Management Communication Letter, Vol. 2, No. 4, November 2005.

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