Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Rational-iterative Decision-making Process

The rational-iterative approach is one such decision-making process that is particularly suitable for management. Repeated iterations of feedback between analysts and decision-makers lead to the development of an understanding of the tradeoffs among objectives for the decision-makers and an understanding of the explicit and implicit objectives of the decision-makers for the analysts. The rational-iterative decision-making process requires a number of explicit steps, although some steps may be combined or further subdivided depending on the specific situation.

  • Step # 1. Identify the roles of different people
  • Step # 2. Scope the target area
  • Step # 3. Determine the objectives
  • Step # 4. Develop measurable criteria to determine how well the objectives are being met
  • Step # 5. Develop as wide a range of alternatives as possible
  • Step # 6. Determine how well each alternative meets each objective
  • Step # 7. Explain the relation of each alternative to each objective to the decision-makers (and possibly stakeholders)
  • Step # 8. The decision-makers choose an alternative
  • Step # 9 The chosen alternative is turned over to the manager for implementation, monitoring, and feedback

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