As a patriot and a leader I wanted to share a few thoughts with you to close out this historical week in our country's economic history.
It is an important time for us to all reflect upon the impact we have upon the world around us as leaders. We are all leaders at work, leaders at home, and leaders in the community. America and the world at large needs leaders, true statesman / stateswoman.
I believe that now is the time for us to step up and selflessly lead. I know times are scary, but if we don't lead who else will. I challenge all of us to consider the sacrifices that Tom Brokaw's "Greatest Generation" undertook during WWII to ensure our freedom and way of life and go out and lead in a way that would make them proud.
In my quest to be part of the leadership solution, I came across an article from the Harvard Business Review entitled "Leading in Times of Change" and found it very appropriate and inspiring. I encourage you to review the 12 To Do's During Times of Change suggested in the article below.
12 To Do's During Times of Change
- Catalyze change: Champion an initiative or a significant change, consistently promote the cause, and encourage others to get on board.
- Cope with transition: Recognize and address the personal and emotional elements of change.
- Show a sense of urgency: Take action, move fast, and accelerate the pace of change for everyone.
- Demonstrate realistic patience: Know when and how to slow down the pace so that people can cope and adapt.
- Be tough: Make difficult decisions with little hesitation or second-guessing.
- Be empathetic: Take others' perspectives into account; understand the impact of your actions and decisions.
- Show optimism: See the positive potential of any challenge, and convey that optimism to others.
- Be realistic and open: Don't shy away from difficulties, speak candidly about the true situation, and admit personal mistakes.
- Be self-reliant: Be confident in your ability to handle new challenges.
- Trust others: Be comfortable with others doing their part; stay open to others' input and support.
- Capitalize on strengths: Know your individual and organizational strengths and attributes; confidently apply them to tackle new situations and circumstances.
- Go against the grain: Show willingness to learn and try new things--even when the process is difficult or painful.
Have a great weekend! Go out and lead.
Well said. So here's my "fantasy moment" for the current campaigns, stimulated by a shortage of national leadership (on any side) and an excess of partisan political finger-pointing and blame. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the two candidates AGREED on 1 or 2 key things that they would pledge to work to pass in the Senate, regardless of who wins the election. That way, we could get momentum moving forward WITHOUT waiting till January for a change. We DON'T HAVE TIME TO WAIT. But, given the likelihood of that, let's focus on Jonathan's approach and step up to the plate. (but if you get the chance to ask the question above, do so)