Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Swamii - The What's New Search Engine

So what is Swamii?

It's like a search engine that keeps on giving. You enter your common searches (we call them 'interests') and then every time you visit, Swamii show's you all the new stuff we've found since the last time.

Yeah, what else?

Well, instead of just indexing web pages like the search engines do, swamii searches all kinds of stuff including news, telly, blogs and more!

What can i use it for?

You can use swamii for searching and keeping up to date with just about anything, but here's some stuff we reckon you'll love it for...

Keeping track of a current event as it unfolds

  • Watching for that rare collectible Backstreet Boys LP you've always wanted to come up for sale (we just love their soulful harmonies and melodic ballads)
  • Searching for news on your geeky interest... you know, the one that everyone at work always mentions that you missed too late - "oh, did you see that article on rare, blue stamps yesterday? It was great!"
  • Get all the news for a particular subject in one place
  • Getting an alert when anything with William Shatner in it is going to be on TV (Shatz is the new Hoff)
  • Looking out for bittorrents that contain the phrase "lookin mighty cute in dem jeans boy"
  • Just plain searching as you do every day...

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